
1942: Massachusetts

Area and Population.

The total land area of the state is 7,907 sq. mi. according to new measurements compiled in 1940. Formerly the area was computed at 8,257 sq. mi., including 350 sq. mi. of inland water surface.

The population on Apr. 1, 1940, according to the 16th Federal census was 4,316,721 which represents an increase of 76,107, or 1.6 per cent, as compared with the population in 1930. The leading cities, with populations from the 1940 census, are as follows: Boston, 770,816; Worcester, 193,694; Springfield, 149,554; Fall River, 115,428; Cambridge, 110,879; New Bedford, 110,341; Somerville, 102,177; and Lowell, 101,389.


The school population of the state for the year ending June 30, 1941 (ages 5 to 16 years) was 758,456, an increase over the preceding year of 5,415.

Principals, supervisors, and teachers in public day schools, including kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high schools, on Jan. 1, 1942, numbered 25,941.


The Division of Employment Security reports a falling off of 24 per cent in initial unemployment claims; the respective totals being 233,500 and 1,187,972 in 1942, as against 306,528 and 1,726,374 in 1941. A special study was made by the Division on the employment of women in industry engaged almost entirely in war work. The study was limited to employers with pay rolls of over 200 workers. It was found that there were 564 manufacturing establishments in this category, and that their employees totaled 551,858, of whom 161,246 or less than 29.2 per cent, were women.

The index of industrial activity in Massachusetts, using the average years 1925, 1926 and 1927 as a base of 100, showed a composite index figure for January 1942 of 106. This index is based upon production of shoes, cotton textiles, building construction, electric power, and industrial employment. The composite index figure varied during the first nine months of the year from a low of 101 in February to a high of 123 in July.

In August and September there was a decided falling off in new building. The index for this special industry fell to 17.2, the lowest in many months since 1935. The cotton textile index only once rose above 70, and frequently was down as low as 60. In the month of September it was reported that 53 per cent of Massachusetts factory employees were engaged wholly in war production.


Coastwise shipping has stopped almost completely. Normally 95 per cent of the fuel oil and gasoline consumed in the state is brought to Boston and other ports by tankers. The submarine menace has made it impossible to ship any oil by tanker; consequently the state is limited to such shipments as can come in by railroad tank cars.

The railroads have transported a record number of such cars from oil-distributing points in the Midwest, but still there is not enough oil for all purposes. Automobiles are largely limited to three gallons per week, and a larger number of homes and commercial buildings have been converted from oil to coal.

The railroads of the state have been carrying record numbers of passengers on all trains. The increased income of such railroads as the New York, New Haven and Hartford, and its subsidiaries, which have been in bankruptcy for several years, may make it possible to reorganize the capital structures so that receiverships may be terminated.

Defense Program.

The war activities of Massachusetts have generally paralleled the developments in other states, particularly those on the seacoast. War production has been speeded up in existing factories, but except for a new shipbuilding plant at Hingham and some enlargement of existing plants there has been no heavy construction program.

The state has organized and developed a very efficient Committee on Civilian Defense, with the historic name 'Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety.' A similar committee was organized in this state in the last World War. The first committee under this name functioned in Massachusetts during the Revolution. Under the auspices of this committee over 70,000 citizens have been organized and trained as air-raid wardens, auxiliary policemen and auxiliary firemen, or as members of the Women's Civilian Defense Corps.

During the year Boston and other parts of the state held periodic blackouts and practice air raid warnings. Because of the danger of silhouetting coastal vessels against a skyglow caused by excessive illumination in cities and towns within 40 miles of the shore, it has been necessary to order a dimout in this area every night. The dimout regulations require a shading of all street lights and the practical elimination of lights in store windows and office buildings. Even in homes the shades must be drawn to obscure any direct reflection of light.

Massachusetts shipyards built many war craft during the year. The most notable were the aircraft carriers: the Lexington which replaced the 'Queen of the Flat Tops,' and the Bunker Hill.

The war came close to Massachusetts when, on an undisclosed date, the troopship Norness was sunk by 2 German submarine off the coast of Cape Cod. The Navy later disclosed that 88 lives were lost. The survivors were landed at various points on Cape Cod, from Provincetown to Hyannis.


A special session of the General Court was held from January 26th to January 31st. During this session laws were passed covering various phases of legislation, such as establishing daylight saving to conform to Eastern War Time; extending soldiers' relief benefits, and extending the emergency powers of the Governor over all persons and property to meet changing conditions. Executive Orders covered such subjects as blackout and dimout regulations, suspending laws dealing with hours of labor, permitting transportation of supplies and foodstuffs on the Lord's Day, limiting speed of motor vehicles to 40 mi. per hour (later 35 mi.); and providing relief and assistance in case of evacuation of people from any part of the state.

Events of the Year.

A fire in the Cocoanut Grove, a night club in downtown Boston, which occurred at 10 o'clock on Saturday evening, Nov. 28, resulted in the loss of 489 lives. The fire may have been due to defective wiring, or to the careless lighting of a match by a bus boy. In any event, the fire spread with such rapidity that inadequate exits were soon jammed. It was disclosed later that from 900 to 1,000 people were crowded into a space licensed to accommodate 460. The decorations were flimsy imitations of coconut trees and tropical plants, and walls and ceilings were covered with imitation leather. The chemical composition of this material was such that it was highly inflammable, and in burning produced a poisonous gas. The majority of the victims died from the effects of this gas. A Grand Jury investigation resulted in the indictment of 10 persons, including the owners, builders, city officials, and inspectors.

On Nov. 22, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court celebrated its 250th anniversary. This is the oldest court in the United States. It was created by an act of the Legislature in 1692, carrying out the provisions of the Massachusetts Charter granted by King William and Queen Mary.

On Dec. 3, the Boston Symphony Orchestra joined the American Federation of Musicians, under the presidency of James A. Petrillo, thus ending a dispute which had long prevented this orchestra from broadcasting its concerts.

State Officers.

Governor, Leverett Saltonstall; Lieutenant Governor, Horace T. Cahill; Secretary of State, Frederic W. Cook; Treasurer, Francis X. Hurley: Auditor, Thomas J. Buckley; Attorney General, Robert T. Bushnell; Commissioner of Education, Walter F. Downey.

United States Senators:

David I. Walsh, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.

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