
1940: Manitoba

Manitoba became the first Canadian province to form a coalition war cabinet when, on November 4, 1940, Premier John Bracken announced the reconstruction of his government to include representatives from all the major opposition parties. Cabinet posts were given to representatives of the Conservative, Cooperative Commonwealth, and Social Credit parties in addition to Premier Bracken's own Liberal-Progressive followers. It was the first coalition government in Manitoba's seventy-year history as a province. The new cabinet will be tested at the polls in a provincial election scheduled to be held early in 1941.

Another excellent wheat crop assured Manitoba of continued prosperity for another year. Excellent weather conditions during the harvest season brought the yield of the 1940 crop somewhat above the good 1939 crop. Wheat prices were slightly above those of 1939, bringing a greater dollar return to the farmer. Insect damage was not heavy, although grasshoppers were responsible for slight losses. The beet webworm wrought serious damage to the province's gardens during the late summer months.

Mining production was at a high level during the year. A new record was established at the God's Lakes Mines when production for September reached a value of $272,885 from 18,162 tons.

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