
1939: Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic informed the Evian Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees that there was room in that small country for as many as 100,000 immigrants, if the necessary financing were forthcoming. The Republic requires that each refugee pay a landing tax of $500. It was thus hoped that the colonization of German Jewish refugees on the island might yield the Government considerable revenue, while at the same time national development might be substantially furthered. A plan for such colonization was outlined in January by the Dominican consul general in London. Although this scheme was denied by the Dominican legation in Berlin, a contract with the Dominican Government for the settlement of political refugees from Europe is about to be signed.

During the United States Navy's winter maneuvers in the Caribbean, Samana Bay, on the east coast of Santo Domingo, was made available to the fleet without restriction. The decree permitting its use stated that the Dominican Republic was prompted by a desire to cooperate with the United States in plans for general Western Hemisphere defense. Ever since Civil War days, Samana Bay has been suggested as a possible United States naval base.

The budget for 1939 is slightly lower, in both receipts and expenditures, than that for 1938, but higher than the actual returns for 1937. Total receipts in the 1939 budget are estimated at 11,595,000 pesos and expenditures at 11,483,000 pesos.

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